If You Do Not Have A Remote Control Connection

RemoteView is a web-based remote control service using ActiveX. In the following cases, it may be remotely controlled service is limited. 

<When the agent service on the remote is not executed> 
(1) Click Start> Programs> RSUPPORT> RemoteView 5.0> Agent> Agent Run menu, click 
2 or Start RemoteView Agent 5.0 In the Windows Services Console 

<manager install ActiveX to your homepage If you are not> 
(1) ActiveX download 
(2) due to the damage to the set or remote Windows PC should not download the ActiveX check the "Download ActiveX 4. when treatment is impossible." 

<manager 80/443 port is blocked on your PC the case> 
(1) If you change the IP router setup, if a packet communication in IP router setup is or 80,443 ports if the delay block 
(2) ports (80,443), depending on your organization's Network policy is blocking contact your Network administrator 
(3 ) If you use a personal firewall, personal firewall settings blocking that port when checked

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