If the remote PC has multiple (dual) monitors, selecting different screens or displaying all monitors on a single screen is enabled. Follow the instructions to configure the display settings for dual monitors.
*For Remote Control
1. From the top menu, click Screen > Select Display
Or, click the switch monitor icon at the top right of the Viewer.
2. Select View all displays to view all monitors on a single screen.
- Multiviewer Setup
1. From the top menu, click Screen > Launch Multiviewer
2. For dual monitors, two screens will be displayed as below
*When the ‘Save viewer information’ option is enabled, the size and position of each Viewer window will appear in the same state.
To set, go to the top menu, click R: > Configuration > General > Applications > Enable ‘Save viewer information’ option
*For Video Mode Control
1. From the top menu, click Screen > Multi-Monitor
2. Untick Display All > Select the desired screen to view > Click OK
Displaying all screens is not available for WebViewer. To use this feature, connect via Remote Control or Video Mode Control.
Right-click on the remote PC > Select Remote Control or Video Mode Control