Rview operates on the strength of local networkconnections. It is possible that you will suffer from significant slowdown in speed with slow Internet connectivity and when the CPU is overtaxed.
Rview operates on the strength of local network connections. It is possible that you will suffer from significant slowdown in speed with slow Internet connectivity and when the CPU is overtaxed. Please try the following remedies to improve Rview performance.
1. If the Internet speed is low on both ends or either ends of remote connection:
1) Click on the Settings button in the Drop-down menu under the lightning bolt symbol on top of the Rview Viewer.
2) Try to lower the Resolution and Color settings on the Remote Screen.
If performance does not improve even after trying these two approaches, please ask the network administrator at the site of the remote desktop to check network settings and other connectivity issues.
2. If the CPU usage rate is high on either or both ends of the remoteconnection.
- CPU usage rate can rise as result of low available memory or infection by a virus or a malware. In the Task Manager, please turn off any processes and applications that are not necessary. Also, please scan he local and remote desktop for virus or malware infection.