If You Can Not Download The ActiveX

1. Instead of pressing the "Yes" in the security warning, click "No" or press the Close button if you do not receive a download ActiveX 
- click Refresh or press the F5 key security warning appears, 
from a security warning, click "Yes" 

2. Download the ActiveX security settings in Internet options to "High" to block ActiveX or if 
- check the security settings in the Internet options of your web browser 
(1) of Web browser tools> Internet options> security tab, select custom level select 
(2) Make sure to download the ActiveX control signatures at the bottom of the settings section> check 
(3) ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting> Enable 
(4) ActiveX controls and plug-ins to run> use the check 
(or) Internet options> security tab> trusted 

3. www.rview.com can register on the site in case of Windows 2000, XP If you are logged in as a limited user 
- if you are logged in as a regular guest, rather than Windows login, a computer administrator account, you might not be able to download ActiveX. If you are logged in as a normal guest account, if you do not have write access to the back of the Downloaded Program Files folder to save the ActiveX login 

4. Windows computer administrator account - you can not install the ActiveX must grant write access to the folder. There is no Windows login account can be granted write access or the system administrator to log in as the system administrator must grant write access to the folder. After use, stop the continuous download or remove programs - 

5. The program is installed when you download the continuous intercept ActiveX download. 

6. When a virus or malware by downloading ActiveX is not 
- use after treatment for a virus or malware. 

7. When using a personal firewall, if you block the ActiveX 
- Demonstrate a personal firewall settings.

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