1. Download PC Agent
- Visit Help Desk (help.www.rview.com) and download the installer file
- Click here to install automatically
2. Install PC Agent
① Open the RemoteView Agent installer file and run it. To continue, click Next.
② Read the Terms and Conditions, and click I Agree.
*To install RemoteView Agent, you must accept this agreement. If you select No, the setup will close.
③ Enter the PC Name and click Next. The PC Name is the name that appears in the remote device list under the Remote PC tab.
④ Configure proxy server and click Next. If unsure, click No use a proxy server.
⑤ Enter RemoteView User ID and Password, then click Next.
⑥ Create a new Access ID and Password to access the Agent, then click Next.
- The Access account is essential to connect to remote devices.
- The first login requires your RemoteView ID and password.
- The second login requires your Access ID and password to connect to the Agent.
⑦ Proceed with the installation.
⑧ Install a remote printer if necessary. Click Finish to complete the installation.
⑨ Log into the RemoteView website (www.rview.com) and start a remote session!