Can I Configure To Access My Devices Only On Certain PC Or Network?

In RemoteView, we have an option to limit the connection to only those registered IP or MAC addresses. 

To enable this option and add IP/MAC addresses, 

1. Launch the Agent app 
2. Go to 【SETTINGS】 > "IP restriction" or "MAC restriction" > Add IP/MAC address." 
【IP restriction by OS】 
- Windows : Configuring IP restriction in Windows 
- Mac OSX : Configuring IP restriction in Mac OSX 
- Android : Configuring IP restriction in Android 
- iOS : Configuring IP restriction in iOS 

【MAC restriction by OS】 
- Windows: Configuring MAC restriction in Windows 
- Mac OSX: Configuring MAC restriction in Mac OSX 
- Android: Configuring MAC restriction in Android 
- iOS: Configuring MAC restriction in iOS

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