Way to solve a problem when JAVA is blocked in MAC OS.

Hello, this is a manager from RemoteView. Thank you for using our service, RemoteView.

Due to the Java’s security issues, we inform you that using a RemoteView service may be limited in MAC PC.

To use the RemoteView in Mac OS, a JAVA program must be updated and installed. Please follow the steps to update JAVA.

Update JAVA for Mac OSX 10.6
1.Click a ‘software update’ on the Apple menu bar
2.Click ‘Show details’
3.Check ‘Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 12’ and then click a ‘install’ button
4.After updating Java, click an ‘accept’ button
5.Restart your computer and then run the RemoteView

Update JAVA for Mac OSX 10.7 & 10.8
1.Access to https://www.java.com and then download free Java
2.After updating Java, restart your computer and then run the RemiteView

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