Hello. This is Rsupport.
We sincerely appreciate your continued use of our services.
In our ongoing efforts to provide better service, we would like to inform you about the scheduled system maintenance in November.
We kindly ask for your understanding during this time, as there may be temporary disruptions in accessing the services.
We will continue striving to deliver an improved service.
◆ Scheduled Date: November 21, 2023 (Tuesday) AM 00:00 ~ 07:00 (Korean Standard Time)
◆ Key Maintenance Details
- RC, RV Relay/Session/Push Server Maintenance
- Inspection and reboot
- SKC Nateon Web/DB Server Maintenance
- Inspection and reboot
- Unified Payment Web/DB Server Maintenance
- Inspection and reboot
◆ Inquiries and Contacts
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this service update, feel free to reach out to us:
Phone: 070-7011-3900, 02-479-4430
E-mail: support.kr@rsupport.com
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.