Agent Re-Installation (Or Replacement Computer OS Re-Install The Agent You Are Using A Different PC Etc)

To replace the agent being used in other PC after deleting the previously used agents first, you need to install the agent on a new PC. 

<Agent How to Delete> 
(1) Delete the desired PC "agent Delete" icon is clicked 
(2) identity of the connected user, and password input 
(3) Delete OK to refresh the browser 

<How to Install Agents> 
(1) Agent installation, click 
(2) installation Wizard 
* If you already have another agent is installed on the PC, you must delete it first 
(3) Follow the installation wizard progress information entered and completed 
4 and refresh your browser to check the installation 
- If installation is in normal though off When the display 
- click the "add-on connection OK" it is displayed online.

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