Hello, this is Rsupport.
First, we would like to express our gratitude to our customers using the RemoteView service.
We would like to inform you that the RemoteView PC application console service will be ended at the mentioned period below.
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
■ Service name
- PC application console service
■ Service end date
- January 31, 2023
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Customers who have used the RemoteView PC application console service should continue using the remote control service through the web browser after the service is ended.
Users will experience a more reliable RemoteView service through the 'Video control mode' and 'Web Viewer mode'.
Thank you.
[Remote access through web browser]
① Open the RemoteView website (rview.com) from a web browser.
※ RemoteView service is available in Chrome, Safari (MacOS), and Microsoft Edge browsers.
② Log in by entering the required information (Company ID, User ID, Password), same information used to login to PC application console service.
③ Access the remote control service after selecting the agent from the remote PC management menu.